St. Thomas More School is a God-centered faith community that strives to promote an atmosphere of respect, kindness, responsibility and leadership which is highlighted in our monthly “Making a Difference Award” presented to one student in each homeroom. To further develop a community spirit, older students team up with younger ones as prayer partners. They pray for one another and engage in religious and fun-filled activities together throughout the school year.
Prayer is an important part of the day. Morning prayers, often composed by students, are read over the public address system followed by a plan of action for all to follow during the day. To further develop their spiritual growth, all students actively celebrate their faith during school wide and individual class liturgies. Students also participate in para-liturgical services during the year including: a weekly Advent lighting Service, Stations during Lent, Advent activities and May Crowning.
An important part of the curriculum centers around the sacramental life of our student body. Second graders prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist. Our eight grade students prepare for Confirmation and their responsibility as members of the church. In addition, our priests instruct our Middle School students on a weekly basis and answers their “hard questions.” Sr. Pat also visits classrooms to speak with the children and engage in various activities.
Finally, students give witness by putting their faith into action. They raise funds through various service projects to financially assist the Holy Childhood Missions, Mercy Learning Center, Habitat for Humanity, Soles for Souls and Coat Collection Drives, and whatever other need arises during the year. A middle school Service Club and their mentor meet bi-monthly to prioritize additional projects.