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This exciting new initiative provides our families ways to volunteer at the school — with fun opportunities to participate with friends and meet new ones too, all while creating the best experience possible for our students and faculty!
Mission Statement
The mission of the St. Thomas More School Parents for Student Activities (STM PSA) is to assist in providing our children with memorable spiritual and social experiences throughout the school year and also to support faculty and administration with their student-initiative endeavors.
Current Members:
Jenn Flick, Amanda Lieberman, Jaclyn McNealis, Brittany Morse,
Mary Nolan, Elena Romano, Gina Tomlinson
Want to learn more? Contact us at
The STM PSA is partnering with Mabel's Labels, a company that specializes in custom waterproof labels. Get all of your school supplies ready with personalized labels in varying sizes for clothing, pencils/markers, notebooks, etc. For every purchase made, Mabel's Labels will give 20% back to the STM PSA for us to use toward our student events this year. Thank you for your support!
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