Safe2Say Something teaches youth and adults how to recognize the warning signs and signals, especially within social media, of individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others and say something, using our anonymous reporting system, BEFORE it is too late. Call 1-844-SAF2SAY or get the app.
Second Step wants your children to be successful in school, and that means going beyond the basics. Excelling in academic classes
is important, but students also need to know how to learn, make good decisions, handle strong emotions, and get along with others.
The Second Step program for grades 3-5 teaches skills in the following four areas:
Skills for Learning: Students gain skills to help themselves learn, including how to focus their attention, listen carefully, and be assertive when asking for help with schoolwork.
Empathy: Students learn to identify and understand their own and others’ feelings. Students also learn how to take another’s perspective and how tos how compassion.
Emotion Management: Students learn specific skills for calming down when experiencing strong feelings, such as anxiety or anger.
Problem Solving: Students learn a process for solving problems with others in a positive way.
Parents are able to join www.secondstep.org with the activation key SSP5 FAMI LY75 to watch videos about the Second Step program and get information about what your student is learning. You will need the activation only the first time to create an account. The next time you log in you will only need your own login information.
The Second Step Middle School Program focuses on skills and concepts that are designed to help students both in and out of school. These include:
Mindsets and Goals: Students learn about ways to grow their brains and get smarter, along with research-based strategies for achieving goals and handling difficult situations.
Values and Friendships: Students learn to identify their personal values and use those values to make good decisions and build strong, positive relationships.
Thoughts, Emotions, and Decisions: Students learn the positive role emotions play in their lives, how to handle unhelpful thoughts and strong emotions, and specific strategies for calming down.
Serious Peer Conflicts: Students learn how to identify and avoid serious conflicts, resolve conflicts that can't be avoided, think about other people's perspectives, and help stop bullying and harassment at school.
ParenTeenConnect.org, a free website for parents and their teens created by the makers of the Second Step Program, is a great resource for middle school families. It provides expert advice and practical tools for dealing with real parent-teen issues. Here, you can hear from real parents and teens about the issues that cause conflict in their lives—including screen time, independence, responsibility, and communication—and get expert advice. Visit ParenTeenConnect.org at home with your child, select a topic together, and get talking!